Weekday Worship


Director of Worship, Maggie Cyphers,  (502) 582-2971 Ext 5222 or mcyphers@cathedraloftheassumption.org.

Daily Mass is celebrated Monday through Friday at 12 noon at the Cathedral.  While some weekday liturgical ministers at the Cathedral are full-time parishioners, others are members of the weekday parish; parishioners at other local parishes who work or live downtown and wish to participate in ministry at the Cathedral.  Both training and scheduling of ministers are flexible so that the conflict between stewardship commitments and personal/professional responsibilities may be minimized.


Servers assist during the liturgies by performing tasks such as lighting candles, preparing the altar, and holding the presider’s ritual book (Sacramentary).  Servers attend a training session and are committed to responsible service.


Lectors proclaim the scripture readings during Mass. Lectors devote time to preparation and understanding the Word of God. Lectors attend initial training sessions, commit to private preparation and are committed to responsible service.

Minister of Hospitality

Hospitality Ministers greet and welcome people to Mass. Hospitality Ministers assist with seating and take up the offering. They also straighten up the church after Mass. Hospitality Ministers attend a training session and are committed to responsible service.

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve the Body and Blood of Christ to those assembled for Mass.  Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are baptized and confirmed Catholics who have attended training and formation sessions and are committed to responsible service.


Sacristans ensure that ministers are in place for the celebration, secures substitutes if necessary, and assists visiting presiders as needed.  The sacristan attends an orientation session and is committed to responsible service.