Parish Office – (502) 582-2971
Cross Bearer/Candle Bearer
Cross bearers lead the liturgical procession by reverently carrying the cross. Cross bearers also assist with the Archbishop’s crosier when he presides at Mass. During the liturgical procession, candle bearers carry the candles which surround the altar during Mass. Cross bearers and candle bearers attend a training session, must be in the sixth grade or older, and are committed to responsible service.
Lectors proclaim the scripture readings during Mass. Lectors devote time to preparation and understanding the Word of God. Lectors attend initial training sessions, commit to private preparation for their ministry and are committed to responsible service.
Minister of Hospitality
Hospitality Ministers greet and welcome people to Mass. Hospitality Ministers assist with seating, take up the offering, distribute worship aids and weekly bulletins. They also straighten up the Church after Mass. Hospitality Ministers attend a training session and are committed to responsible service.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve the Body and Blood of Christ to those assembled for Mass. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are baptized and confirmed Catholics who have attended training and formation sessions and are committed to responsible service.

Servers assist during the liturgies by performing tasks such as lighting candles and incense, preparing the altar, and holding the presider’s ritual book (Sacramentary). Men and women wishing to be servers must be in seventh grade or older. They attend a training session and are committed to responsible service.
The sacristan prepares the Church for celebration of Mass, oversees the care of liturgical vessels and vestments, and secures the building after Mass. The sacristan attends a training session and is committed to responsible service.
Liturgical Ministers for Funerals
Ministers of Hospitality, Servers, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, and Cantors are needed to serve at parish funerals, typically celebrated at 9:30 or 10:00 a.m.
Art and Environment Committee
Members of the Art and Environment Committee coordinate decoration of the Cathedral Church on an on-going basis as well as for special feasts and seasons. The group meets as needed for planning, evaluation, and work sessions.
Worship Committee
The worship committee is made up of coordinators of each of the liturgical ministries. The committee works to support and enhance the liturgical life of the Cathedral parish.