1824 Painting with a Cathedral History is highlighted by WFPL
WFPL posted an article about the restored Matthew Harris Jouett painting, The Dead Christ Mourned (The Three Maries), which goes on display at the Speed Art Museum beginning Saturday, October 12. To view, click here.
Steiner-Reck Organ The 42 rank tracker organ has mechanical key action, and electric stop action. The gothic style casework is made of hand-carved mahogany.
Garden of Benevolence The stained-glass window in the garden was commissioned by the Cathedral Heritage Foundation during the 1994 renovation of the Cathedral.
Wood-carved Bosses The ornate woodcarvings or bosses on the ceiling were originally installed as a means for ventilation into the attic.
Arched Windows The Cathedral is designed in Neo-Gothic style. The arched windows of hand-painted glass allow sunlight to create beautiful images through-out the nave.