2024 Stewardship 2024 Stewardship Form Stewardship 2024 Time, Talent, Treasure As you consider your personal situation, spiritually, socially, fiscally, and in the community, we ask you to consider your place in the Cathedral community and what you would propose to do to further the mission of our parish that will also enrich you on your faith journey. HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION Family Name Title (e.g. Mr/Mrs., Miss, Dr. , etc) Suffix (e.g. Sr., Jr, SCN,) Street Address City, State, Zip Email Phone Other Household Members Last Name First Name & Initial Nickname E-Mail Address Last Name First Name & Initial Nickname E-Mail Address Last Name First Name & Initial Nickname E-Mail Address Last Name First Name & Initial Nickname E-Mail Address TIME AND TALENT Please refer to the ministries listed here to fill in your interest below. WORSHIP Lector Hospitality Altar Server Sacristan Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Cross/Candle Bearer Art & Environment MUSIC Cathedral Choir (traditional) Cathedral Singers (contemporary) PARISH LIFE Parish Life Committee for Parish Events and Activities Bereavement Team Docents for History Center and Cathedral Tours Prayer Ministry Golden Stars (Seniors Group) Ministry to Sick, Homebound Prayer Shawl Knitting Ministry Cathedral Bourbon Society Cathedral Book Club FORMATION RCIA Volunteer/Sponsor Children’s Religious Education Volunteer/Teacher STEWARDSHIP Stewardship Committee SOCIAL CONCERNS Social Concerns Committee/Community Outreach Daily Lunch Program Walking with Moms in Need Sister Parish Committee Pet Food Pantry Coordinator ADMINISTRATION Let’s Dance Louisville Fundraising for Daily Lunch Program Technology Team Technician for live streaming of Liturgical Events Building and Grounds Help with parish mailings/office projects Name of Parishioner Joining Interested In Leaving Name of Parishioner Joining Interested In Leaving Name of Parishioner Joining Interested In Leaving Name of Parishioner Joining Interested In Leaving Please write any comments or special talents you wish to offer. TREASURE As the parish plans for Fiscal Year 24/25, we kindly request you to state your intended financial commitment for the year. Amount /week or Amount/month Automatic online giving I am already using online giving for regular weekly/monthly offerings I plan to set up online giving for regular weekly/monthly offerings (accessed from homepage of cathedraloftheassumption.org) I would like someone to contact me about setting up automatic withdrawal for weekly/monthly offerings. Captcha If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit