2024-2025 Cathedral of the Assumption Children's Religious Education Program Registration 2024-2025 Cathedral of the Assumption Children's Religious Education Program Registration Child's Name * Date * Grade School * Family Name * Address * City, State, Zip Father/Male Guardian Mother/Female Guardian Phone * E-Mail * Are you a registered member of the Cathedral Parish? * Yes No Sacramental Preparation - Please check if your child will be preparing for reception of any of the following sacraments this year. Reconciliation - child will be at least 7 years old by December 31 First Eucharist - child will be at least 7 years old by December 31 Confirmation - child will be at least 13 years old by December 31 Baptism Date Church, City, State Is a copy of your child's baptism already on file at the Cathedral? Yes No EMERGENCY INFORMATION Please contact in case of emergency (if the parents cannot be reached): Name Address Phone Please list any special medical or learning needs of your child. I authorize the Cathedral of the Assumption to photograph/video my child (enter child's name below) and/or to use archive photos of him/her. I understand that his/her identification shall not be disclosed without permission and that said photographs will be used exclusively for Cathedral purposes on the website, newsletter, brochures, facebook and other materials. Identification may be disclosed: Yes No Parent's Signature * Tuition is $50/student and $30/each additional student in the family. We want every family who wishes to be a part of this program to be able to participate, regardless of ability to pay. Please let us know if we can be of assistance. Captcha Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.