Busy is the Enemy of Holiness!!!
Where better to find your way past the distractions during Lent…
Deacon Chris and Master Catechist Melani McDonell will walk with you through the Sacred Days of Holy Week and give you personal ways to encounter Jesus each day at Home …
Come bury your old self and Rise with Easter Vision and Hope!
Parish Retreat
Sunday, March 23, 2025
Between Masses, 10:45- 11:45 AM, In Undercroft
Join us on Friday Evening, April 11
The Cathedral of the Assumption invites you to join us on Friday evening, April 11, at 6PM in the Undercroft to continue our Lenten journey beginning with a simple meal of vegetarian soup and bread to nourish your body, followed at 7:30 PM in the Cathedral for a special presentation of the Dupré/Claudel Stations to nourish your soul.
The great French organist Marcel Dupré composed music as his response to the poet Paul Claudel’s meditations on the Stations of the Cross.
Dr. William P Bradford will recite the poetry of Paul Claudel and Dr. Philip Brisson will perform Marcel Dupré’s profound musical response on the Cathedral’s beautiful historic organ.
The evening is free, but a $5 donation for the meal is greatly appreciated. Please join us for this moving Lenten event.
As you prepare for Holy Week and Easter. . .
Cathedral Parish Enrollment
has begun.
Read Father Klotter’s homily from January 12 by clicking here.
The Cathedral Parish invites all – from longtime parishioners to those who have just joined recently to those who wish to join – to help us update our parish rolls. We need to know who we are as a parish family. We also need your current e-mails and phone numbers. Please take the time to participate. Thank you!
To fill out census online, click here!